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Finances publiques (E-U) - St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Research and analysis on 90% of public debt issued by state and local governments, hospitals, higher education institutions and other tax-exempt entities. 


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  DateType de publication Titre Emetteur / Entité
21 Oct 2019 Research Announcement Moody's - Emerging market covenant quality score weakens further as Chinese bonds dominate issuance
21 Oct 2019 Sector In-Depth EM Covenant Monitor: EM covenant quality scores weaken further as Chinese bonds dominate issuance
02 May 2019 Sector In-Depth EM Covenant Monitor: EM covenant quality score worsens amid surge in Chinese property bond issuance
02 May 2019 Research Announcement Moody's - Emerging market covenant quality score weakens, but still stronger than non-EM EMEA and North American bonds
15 Oct 2018 Sector In-Depth High-yield-bond covenants - Emerging markets: Investor protection is much stronger than for EMEA and North American bonds
05 Dec 2017 Announcement Moody's: Medium-term climate change vulnerabilities factored into small island sovereign credit profiles, but climate trends pose longer-term risks Bahamas, Govern...
Bahrain, Govern...
Barbados, Gover...
Bermuda, Govern...
Cayman Islands,...
Cyprus, Governm...
Fiji, Governmen...
Hong Kong SAR, ...
Jamaica, Govern...
Macao SAR, Chin...
05 Dec 2017 Sector In-Depth Sovereigns – Global: Small island credit profiles resilient to near-term climate shocks, but climate trends pose longer-term risks Bahamas, Govern...
Bahrain, Govern...
Barbados, Gover...
Bermuda, Govern...
Cayman Islands,...
Cyprus, Governm...
Fiji, Governmen...
Hong Kong SAR, ...
Jamaica, Govern...
Macao SAR, Chin...
02 Feb 2010 Announcement Moody's Explains Diminished Gaps Between Local and Foreign Currency Government Ratings Albania, Govern...
American Capita...
Argentina, Gove...
Armenia, Govern...
Australia, Gove...
Austria, Govern...
Azerbaijan, Gov...
Bahamas - Off S...
Bahamas, Govern...
12 May 2000 Special Report PaineWebber ROB/INs Trust Class F Trust Receipts and Class R Trust Receipts Program Paine Webber ROB/INs (Muni. Deriv.), Class F & Class R Trust Receipts, 1, (Rel. to Suffolk Cnty Indus Dev Agy, Solid Waste Disposal Fac Rev Bds (Ogden Martin Sys of Huntington Ltd Ptrship Resource Recovery Fac), Ser 99), $37.36MM
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